How does adding a spa pool or sauna impact my home's sale or airbnb value?

How does adding a spa pool or sauna impact my home's sale or airbnb value?

Almost everybody fantacises about having their own pool, spa, or sauna because of the range of health, rejuvenation and soothing effects it can afford in the comfort of your own home. 


During the pandemic the desire for these types of health and wellness activities has skyrocketed. So has the overwhelming preference to bathe and soak in private (or in a far more controlled environments).

With housing prices skyrocketing in both Australia and New Zealand every point of differentiation and illustration of livability is not going unnoticed. The best part is they're relatively inexpensive to purchase and extremely cheap to maintain.

Likewise, in the AirBnB, VRBO, bookabach, etc. world — the more private amenities (such as saunas and spas) you can offer your guests the better. The ability for you to separate your listing from other similar options has the potential to let you charge more and it can also increase your number of nights booked each month (occupancy rate). 

Another great benefit about adding Saunas and Spas to your property is, unless you've stated otherwise, they are considered personal property. So if you do move and have the means to — simply move them to your next property!

Want to look into what option might work best on your property? Talk to Spa & Sauna Support  or take a look at our cedar range.

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