Wood-fired Hot Tub Facts

Here are a couple of additional facts to consider when purchasing as Hot Tub (wood fired vs. electric)

Submerged wood stove

No need for electricity! Our wood stoves heat your hot tub from under the water. Composed of 2mm Stainless Steel and outfitted with a corrosion-proof coating, the wood stove will never corrode and never cause you a hassle. The wood stove is so efficient that, while running underwater, it is not even hot to the touch! Unlike conventional hot tubs which rely on thermal convection, our wood-fired hot tubs do not require plumbing, so don't worry about those costly pipe issues with these tubs!

Tradition and durability

Our hot tubs are made of 100% western red cedar, an incredibly rot-resistant wood. Our vertical staves are precision-crafted for a watertight hot tub fit.

Simple heating

Running your wood-fired hot tub is easy. 

  • Make a fire inside the stove like you would inside any fireplace (e.g.: scrunched paper, kindling, then small logs) and ignite the paper and situate the stove door to maximize draft. 
  • After a good fire is lit, fill the firebox with wood. Our recommendation for wood is cordwood that has been split, which allows for a faster burning fire and therefore a faster heating hot tub. 
  • The time required to heat the hot tub depends on many factors: size of hot tub, dryness, type of wood, fire size, frequency of wood-feeding, wind speed, temperature, insulating cover (or not), and other environmental and technical factors. Our most popular hot tub – 1800mm x 1200mm – will heat up at a rate of approximately 15 degrees (C) per hour with well-dried softwood and a cover on the hot tub.

Temperature control

Temperature control is very easy. It is just like controlling the temperature while filling a bathtub, but instead of checking the temperature of the water and adjusting the taps, you check the temperature and adjust the amount of wood you add to the fire. After a time, this process becomes very intuitive. The best part is, if you make the hot tub too hot, simply add some cold water from your garden hose. You can even monitor the hot tub temperature with even more ease with our new remote thermometer/alarm if you’d like.