Why A Barrel Sauna?

Is a Barrel Sauna Better Than a Regular Sauna Cabin?

What is a Barrel Sauna?

A barrel sauna is a unique and stylish personal sauna for your backyard! You get all the physical and mental health benefits of a relaxing time in a sauna and you don't have to leave home.

Your barrel sauna kit can be shipped almost anywhere and one or two adults can assemble it yourself in an afternoon. When you're done, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor in your new personal barrel sauna.

Do Barrel Saunas Heat Up Quickly?

The cylindrical design allows the barrel sauna to heat up faster than your typical sauna and it can reach the optimum temperature in 45 minutes!

How Efficient is a Barrel Sauna?

This is another reason why its shape is so effective. A barrel sauna requires less energy to fill the room compared to its rectangular counterpart and the heat stays where it's being enjoyed. Hanging out in your new favorite room won't break the bank!

Does a Barrel Sauna Require a lot of Maintenance?


It's designed for outdoor use and comes fully equipped to withstand its environment. The rounded top sheds water naturally and it can handle a decent heap of snow. The polymer support cradles allow your barrel sauna to rest on any flat surface so you don't have to worry about maintenance.

Will a Barrel Sauna be affected by the heat it produces?

It goes without saying that saunas produce a fair amount of intermittent heat. Heat causes wood to expand. When too many nails and screws are used on expanding wood, the result is often wood that splits and separates in different weather conditions.

Barrel saunas don't rely on excessive nails and screws which allows the wood to expand and contract within the confines of the steel bands and the fluctuations in temperature won't damage the wood.

What else do I need to think about with Barrel Saunas to make an informed purchase?

These are a few honest considerations to be aware of as you weigh up your outdoor sauna:

  1. They don't have proper insulation. They heat up so quickly that it isn't usually an issue (especially in Australia and New Zealand vs. those very bitter cold days in Canada and Scandinavia)
  2. Your Barrel Sauna may leak without added roofing material or without it underneath a permanent surface. This is a decision you’ll need to make as you build your outdoor oasis. 
  3. Heat escapes when the door opens so you'll want to limit the ins and outs.
  4. Your feet or lower limbs may not soak at as hot of a temperature if you don’t allow for proper heating time before entering the barrel.

What’s the #1 tip when shopping for a Barrel Sauna?

The most important decision you'll need to make when you're shopping for a barrel sauna is the type of heat source. That means deciding if you want a wood-fired or electric heater. 

Electric is efficient and cheap to heat, but you’ll need to know you’re able to support it at your house and you’ll most likely need a professional to get it all connected. 

Wood fired is simple, versatile as it doesn't need to be wired to a power source. They are also cheap to heat (or free depending on your access to wood!)

Regardless, the decision to buy your own barrel sauna is one you won't regret!